William Balthazar Rose

Critical Review by Ugo Agostinelli

Ugo Agostinelli Galleria LaLoggia, Sansepolcro, Italy

Was it destiny? It is a rhetorical question but not an uncommon one; in fact my knowledge of William Balthazar Rose commenced from an apparently accidental meeting about three and a half years ago.

I saw a painting, possibly from the ottocenesca in a shop window. Suddenly I was taken with it and asked about its author. I realized that it wasn’t a work of a painter from the past but of a contemporary, an English cosmopolitan artist who lived in Sansepolcro and was completely unknown as a painter.

Ugo Agostinelli

Ugo Agostinelli is director of Galleria LaLoggia, Sansepolcro. Galleia LaLoggia has been responsible for several important exhibitions in central Italy. These include solo shows of Alberto Sughi, Adriano Alunni, Mimmo Rotella and Laura Fiumi in addition to the grand twentieth century retrospective Da DeChirico a Ferroni curated by Giovanni Faccenda.


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